J.J. and Second Encounters of the Third Kind

Now, I’m not one of those that buys into all this UFO and flying saucers, cigar-shaped objects or whatever. I suspect this mass reporting of strange phenomena here, there and everywhere is a human phenomenon rather than extraterrestrial. Those of you that follow this intriguing topic would be interested in the following descriptions of what I saw, and of the second event which was witnessed by Blue-eyes. If only 2% of what has been discussed and theorized is factual, then I think even the most skeptical would have to agree that something is going on, and I don’t think it’s our military combine testing secret weaponry.

I’ve seen a few things on TV regarding Area 51 and believe there is a modicum of substance to some of the claims by outsiders. As far as it containing the remains of some intergalactic space men, I’m pretty skeptical. If these space visitors are so advanced in their technology, it would seem only logical that they would have methods to retrieve any of their dead species from a crash site, and not leave the remains around for us to discover. As Spock would say, “That’s not logical, Captain Kirk.”  As far as this being something involving military intelligence, I doubt it and besides that’s an oxymoron! The military intelligence part anyway.

In earlier writings I mentioned my connection with the Aero Space Industry and noted I had been involved in a “not so secret” project back in the mid-60s. I commented that the facility allocated to us for this project was on a local Naval airfield. Much to my surprise, parked in one of the main hangars was indeed a saucer shaped airplane, if you could call it that. It wasn’t any secret and my suspicion was that it belonged to NASA and was an experimental device. I was tempted to ask if the pilot was a “little green man,” but decided that would be unbecoming of a project manager. Besides, my credibility with this company was already in trouble.

However, I will share the following two events with you, and you can make your own judgment regarding credibility. Enter the theme music of “First Encounter of the Third Kind” or whatever.

Back in the late 50s, before I met Blue-eyes, I took a job in Palm Springs for the summer as an electrician’s apprentice, not thinking that the average temperature during those months was 110 or better, and I was going to be working outside. Summer jobs were hard to come by that year, so I was really happy to get this opportunity. As an apprentice, your responsibility was to drill a bunch of holes in the wood framing, dig trenches for underground supply and drag wire all over the place – all the grunt work that a journeyman would not think of stooping to do. I went down there with a buddy whose uncle owned a contracting company, so we had lots of work. We rented a little house trailer just outside the city limits in a high-end trailer park, which his uncle happened to own.

Normal working hours were from 5am – 11am, and then you quit until approximately 3pm, and then went back for another two hours. It was hard, hot work, and you had to stay hydrated and take a bunch of salt pills, which does really strange things to your body. As I may have mentioned in an earlier writing, I also had a part-time job as a disc jockey for a couple of days a week, and on weekends working from about 7 – 10 in the evening, when we closed down the station. It didn’t pay a lot, but it was a nice air-conditioned studio, which is more than our little house trailer had.

Sometimes after closing the station, I would go back to the trailer park and take a quick swim before hitting the sack. My roommate had a girlfriend, so sometimes I wouldn’t see or hear him until much later. One night after taking a swim, I was lying in a lounge chair. It was still about 90 degrees out, and I was just trying to relax and cool off. I looked up in the sky, which is just fantastic when viewed in the desert, and was marveling at how many stars there were and how clearly you could see some of the galaxies. Not that I knew which one was which or could name any of the stars. That was about the only redeeming value of being in the Mohave Desert, at least in the summertime.

After a few minutes I noticed six strange objects, not like any of the stars, all in a row with different colored lights basically moving toward me, which would be North, at a very slow speed. At first I didn’t think much about what I was seeing, assuming it might possibly be some training exercise involving the military. Then, as I was watching these objects, they stayed absolutely still and I noticed that they were changing color, and yet there was no movement. I watch them for approximately two minutes, and then all of a sudden they all broke apart, going different directions so fast that I lost sight of them within a few seconds. I thought, “Well, J.J., that was sure different.” I went back to the pool every night after that experience just to see if anything similar occurred. It didn’t. I chalked it up as something strange, but really didn’t dwell on it however; I have to admit I didn’t laugh at people who reported strange objects in the sky.

The next event was in the mid-1980s, and happened again while I was out by the pool during a warm evening after a hard day at the office. Blue-eyes and I had done the dishes, the kids were all gone, and I was looking at the night sky because I happen to like stars. So I’m staring off to the south and I’ll be damned if there are lights, just like the six I’d seen back in the mid-50s doing the same damn thing. I ran over to the family room, told Blue-eyes to grab the binoculars and come out to the patio. She did, and I pointed to these objects which were traveling very slowly, then stopped, then turned to the left, and came back to their previous course – all very slowly. I got the binoculars on the objects, and all I could see was a blurry glow and constant lights, but no motion at what appeared to be a relatively high altitude.

Blue-eyes took the binoculars and was watching these motionless objects. They then proceeded to head directly toward our house, which would be in a northwest direction at a slow speed, and then as once before, they changed color and all took off like a bat out of hell. My first reaction was this was some kind of helicopter exercise, however, the speed with which they departed visibility was almost instantaneous, and in my estimation they were quite high. My first reaction was they went absolutely vertical. If it’d been a flight of helicopters, the rate of climb would not have been damn near instantaneous. We would’ve been able to see their running lights for much longer than these particular objects. It was a not a case of the lights being turned off, they literally flew out of sight in a matter of seconds to the point where you no longer see any source of light.

I had not told Blue-eyes about my previous experience down in Palm Springs. I then told her about it and described the similarities that she had just seen. We sat there trying to come up with an explanation of what had transpired, and began to discuss reasonable causes – such as a helicopter training program. We don’t live anywhere near a helicopter military facility, the closest one being well over 400 miles away. The other factor involved was the speed with which these objects disappeared. General conclusion – not a group of helicopters. It certainly wasn’t any fixed wing aircraft, because there aren’t many of them that can remain completely still.

Now, you can argue that we have the capability of vertical liftoff of fixed wing aircraft, but not one that could go from no motion to a high-speed vertical departure like these particular objects. It was not a weather balloon because it happened at about 8:30 in the evening. It wasn’t reflections from the moon, because at that time year, the moon doesn’t rise until much later. Could it be some atmospheric bounce back from automobile headlights, flares or some other source of light or reflection? Possibly! But flares don’t go up though, they usually come down. Explain the high-speed departure on an almost vertical plane. Possible reflection from a satellite – not in that orbit, and besides, we didn’t have any in the mid-1950s.

The conclusion we came to was we both needed another glass of wine. Blue-eyes made the suggestion that we not mention this to any of our friends, simply because they already thought I was funny, like in strange, and this would just add fuel to the fire.

Perhaps a year later, I was watching television, getting bored out of my gourd and was channel hopping when I came across a UFO documentary on the History Channel. I sat there and watched it for a while, and they interviewed this couple who described an identical occurrence such as what we had seen. They lived someplace just outside of Phoenix. The major difference in their story was that they caught the experience on video. It was almost identical to the two situations that I have just described. Let me make it clear, that got my attention!

Up until now, we have not shared these experiences with anybody. I haven’t reported it to any of the focus groups, nor do I intend to. It’s my belief that if they’re really up there and they decide to let us know that, they will remember that good old J.J. kept his mouth shut.

ET where are you?” “I’ve got my cell phone on.” “You can text me.” ”Have your people call my people and we can do lunch.”

Moral of the story – If you see a little green man taking your picture with the new iPhone, relax. It could be Richard Dreyfuss making a new movie.

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