To Tweet or not to Tweet? That is the Question.

Tweet or tweeting, in my mind and to this day, has always been something associated with birds or a cartoon character that is constantly being chase by this cat (as in feline, not like in ”hep–cat,” which really dates me). This bird character should probably file a lawsuit, because his name was “Tweety Bird!” It’s hard to believe the bird was smarter than that cat, named Nigel.

I caught a “snipe” once, which is the avian female of the Skype family and turned it in to the Humane Society, knowing that our government had recently put them on the endangered species list. For those of you that don’t know, a “snipe” is a non-existent creature. Its origin is from a practical joke done by kids and sometimes questionable adults.

The concept was to take a non-suspecting person and say “Let’s go snipe hunting, you can hold the bag.” It begins with your friends giving you a bag and saying “You stand here. We’ll go chase Snipes and they’ll run into the bag.” If you’re naïve enough, you do it, and they take off – with you assuming they’re chasing snipes. About an hour later you may realize that you’ve been had, unless you’re like me – a trusting soul who stood there for a long time. Humiliation personified! I got even, though. I told them I caught four, and we had them for dinner. They looked at me like I was really “weird.” I think that’s where the phrase “You’ve been left holding the bag” may have come from. Now, I’ll bet you’re sure glad I mentioned this!

Texting is a great tool and allows you to say things that you would not normally say to someone if they were standing in front of you. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is extremely valuable but at the same time cannot replace face-to-face verbal communication. If you’re not a good writer, texting is perhaps something you want to think about before using. But it has some tremendous advantages in speeding up certain kinds of communication.

Now, I have to admit I don’t text nor tweet because, one – my cell phone is too old; and two – so am I. Every time I try to do this my cell phone screen says “No service available you idiot!” I further thought texting was something associated with education, which I successfully avoided in college, as well as going to class. Supposedly, this was a necessary part of books.

Perhaps texting was associated with one of our larger states and was part of the rules that had to do with “cow pie” tossing contests. This part is no joke. I recently saw on the news that in Wisconsin and elsewhere, this national contest had to be postponed because of a lack of “raw material,” and that the sponsors had to dip into the reserve of dried steer droppings. Why anybody would save cow poop is beyond me, but to run out seems to be an unforgivable oversight, and complete mismanagement on the part of the contest management. I guess one of the questions that I would ask, were I running this organization, would have been “How high did you pile the BS and who in Wall Street did you send it to?”

Good Lord, if they thought about it and they ran out of BS, all they had to do was go to Washington. There has to be plenty of BS leftover and available on both sides of the so-called legislative aisle, and likely a lot more at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I cleaned that up for you who are pure of thought and of body in order to maintain my PG-13 federal rating – which is unfortunately not available nor required on a blog entry, if you note all of the four letter words polluting some other literary blog attempts.

The First Amendment is something I advocate, however you have to keep in mind where this came from. It’s called the Constitution, which in my humble opinion, has been a little twisted lately. A fellow from ancient history, who was something of a humorist and comedian, made a comment: “When I make a joke, it’s supposed to be funny! When Congress makes a joke, it’s the law!” That was one of many utterances of a rather famous cowboy by the name of Will Rodgers during a time we were able to joke about ourselves and politics. Back then, the” tea party” was something that little girls and boys had before they became of the age where they could tweet or twitter without their parents interfering.

Now, a good thing. My curtain climbers have mandated a limit on just how much time their curtain climbers can spend manipulating their tweeting or texting, or whatever, as well as those mind-bending kids games, like crashing stolen cars, killing cops, combat robots killing off our enemies, let’s dismember the next-door neighbor and ship the remains to Venezuela or God knows what else. These games are clearly playing a less than positive role model for the users, aren’t they? But our government leads us to believe that it has really established strong controls over the content, distribution and sales. They have assured us that PG-13 really is being enforced and that is that! Just like the importation of Cuban cigars. First Amendment notwithstanding, it seems to me that the only real enforcement is at home! But I digress!

Moral of the story – If you do catch a snipe, keep it to yourself. They’re best cooked with salt and pepper over an open Bar-B-Q!

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